Religious Emblems Coordinator

New Unit Position - Religious Emblems Coordinator

Boy Scout councils across America are currently implementing the Council and District Religious Emblems Coordinator positions. Individuals selected to serve in these roles will be members of the Council or District Advancement Committee and will be responsible for raising awareness of religious emblems, facilitating the setting of goals for the number of religious emblems earned each year, and reporting on progress toward reaching these

The role of Unit Religious Emblems Coordinator (UREC) was approved by the BSA Religious Relationships Task Force late 2011 and is now in the final stages of development, including the position patch. It is hoped that the UREC will be premiered at the BSA National Annual Meeting in Orlando. Not surprisingly, a number of Scout units at all age levels already have such a person on their unit committee. This is further verification of the value of implementing the Unit Religious Emblems Coordinator.

The suggested responsibilities for the UREC as adopted by the Religious Relationships Task Force are:
1.    Serve as a member of the unit committee.
2.    Acquaint all youth with the religious emblems program and the emblems available from their faith group.
3.    Provide Scout families and the clergy with an orientation to the religious emblems program and encourage their involvement.
4.    Urge all youth in the unit to earn the religious emblem(s) of their faith.
5.    Disseminate information to the Scouts and Scouters about any district or council religious emblems activities, retreats, camps, etc.
6.    Promote religious emblems usage like BSA promotes other youth advancement.
7.    Coordinate the establishment of unit goals and track the number of religious emblems completed every year.
8.    Serve as the unit’s liaison to the District Religious Emblems Coordinator.
The selection process for the UREC is the same as for other members of the unit committee.
For more information contact the Chesapeake District – Religious Emblems Coordinator E. Keith Wawrzyniak @ 410-574-3867 or or members of the God & Country Patrol @