Award Recipients

Religious Award Recipients

Awards shown at the end with web links for more information


God & Church Awards were earned by
Life Scout Brandon Lure
Second Class Scout Carson Frey
(Troop 427)
presented by then Pastor Bonnie McCubbin of
Patapsco - Lodge Forest Cooperative UMC

God & Family awards were earned by
Webelos Scouts
Anthony Hansen
Austin Boothe
Jason Hausner
(Pack 436)

Light of Christ was earned by
Cole Oshman (Pack 355)
was presented on April 14, 2013
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church

Parvuli Dei earned by
Webelos II Scout Ryan Poist (Pack 355)
presented on March 17, 2013
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church

Scouts from Cub Pack 355

Light of Christ earned by Wolf Scouts
Luke Snyder
William Snyder
Parvuli Dei earned by Webelos II Scouts
Matthew Tydings
Zachary Barnickel

was presented Boy Scout Sunday February 3, 2013
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church

------------------- Religious Award Descriptions and web links -------------------


The God and Church program will lead young people on a journey. It will be a faith journey with three parts: meeting Jesus, worshiping God, and witnessing and ministering for Christ. The Program provides young people with the opportunity to work with their pastor or other Christian adult, to understand the church's structures and objectives, and to participate in service projects that will give them a better understanding of the mission of the church.

 The God and Family curriculum is designed to help youth understand the importance of family and God’s role in a healthy family. The God and Family Program provides an opportunity for young people and their families to explore their faith together.

 Light of Christ - The purpose is to help the Cub Scout develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With the parents' active assistance and participation in this program, it is hoped that the Cub will come to see Jesus as a real person and his friend.
The purpose of the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) emblem is to help young boys explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parishes, and also to develop a good, positive self-image through the contributions they can make to the group or community

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